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Everyone has a profession in this world. Whether you think your profession is big or small; it takes all kinds to make the world turn. Here at International Coatings, painting is not only our profession – it is our passion. If you are thinking about painting one room, or many rooms in your home, you will need to consider your time. Just what does it really take to paint a bedroom? A bathroom? A living room?

Most painters can finish your ceilings and walls in an eight-hour day; if your walls are in great condition already. However, for most homeowners, the rooms in your home are well-used and well-loved…which equates to dents, dings, nail holes, uneven texture, etc. So, once it comes time to paint, you will need to factor in the time for you, as homeowner, to fix and repair all the damage to your walls and ceilings prior to painting. Because if it takes your average painter an eight-hour day to finish a room – how long will it take you?

The first thing to contemplate is whose room is being painted: Your master bedroom and bathroom, your child’s room, or your living room? If you are going to tackle the job yourself, you need to consider your precious time. It will require a few long nights or perhaps an entire weekend. Imagine you have already worked an entire day away from home. You have decided to repaint your child’s room for them. Is your husband or wife able to help, or do they have other responsibilities while you are painting? You will need to begin by making a run to the paint store to buy the paint, supplies, and tools you are going to need. This is night one of the project you have embarked upon, and already, once you’ve driven home from work, and shopped for paint supplies it is likely 6:30pm or later. Time to eat a quick meal with your family, help with homework, and get the kids ready for bed. Instead of relaxing with your husband or wife, you now need to get ready to paint. It is now 8-9pm and you need to begin moving all the toys in your child’s room, (who now needs to be moved to their sibling’s room while the project is being completed) covering or moving all the furniture, removing all the pictures and knickknacks from the walls. At this point in your venture, it is close to 10 and you still need to cut in the walls. You are tired! Cut in one of the walls and you are ready to call it a night. Don’t forget to clean your brushes and wrap them in plastic though! Not too bad – for the first night.

Night two looks a lot like night one in the beginning. Tonight, you are home earlier since you have already picked up all your project supplies. Hallelujah (!) you have finished cutting in your child’s bedroom walls. You are so ready for this to be completed. Night three and you have rolled out all the walls – you are on a roll! Night four sees you cutting in the walls once again. At this point you are exhausted and burnt out over the whole process. Paint is everywhere, and you have become a bit sloppy in your weariness. This is about when you are rethinking why you did not hire a paint contractor. On the fifth night, you are almost there; just need that last coat of paint. Brush and roll those walls and ceiling out. You stand back and think to yourself, “’looks ok”.

Come the weekend and you will be wanting to catch up on some of that lost sleep from your week of painting 1 room. You saved $350-$500 by doing it yourself. In most cases, painting a bedroom will take a day for a professional painter. ONE. DAY. Was it worth it? If you are looking for a painter in Novi, South Lyon, Brighton, Wixom, or Howell – International Coatings can provide your home with a professional painter for all your paint project needs. If you are tired of being a slave to your paint brush and roller for an entire week for one project, give International Coatings a call. We cannot wait to hear from you!

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