Should I Hire I Professional Painter or Do It Myself?
December 8, 2016
Should I Hire I Professional Painter or Do It Myself?
December 8, 2016

I was born with a paint brush in my hand. How could I not be? Painting was in my blood. It all started with my grandfather’s paint store long, long ago. My own father worked at the paint store with him; right alongside my mother. So it was only natural that when my father branched out to open his own paint store – there I was, with him, every day. I lived and breathed the world of painting, right from the beginning. It was imprinted on me. Learning from him as he laid down the foundation of customer service, paint matching, tinting – everything I thought I needed to know.

When my father became too ill, I took over completing odd jobs outside of the store and running the store with all the knowledge he had bestowed upon me from my earlier childhood. Soon enough I struck out on my own and started my very own painting company in 2000; convinced I had everything I needed to be successful. I had a full staff of painters under me at the age of 18! However, sometimes life has a way of gently whispering to us, “you need just a little more of…something.” In 2003 I said goodbye to my first company.

I knew I needed to go back to the basics and search for what had to be missing. I joined the union and soon after, I met my mentor. He taught me unequivocal painting techniques. He taught me the difference between just painting a wall, and painting life into a home. He taught me quality painting. He drove the motto into me that would attach itself into what motivates me today; “Consistent quality always pays”.

It was while still under his tutelage that I decided to pursue another goal I had niggling at my heart for quite some time. At this point, with a 10-year apprenticeship from my mentor, I once again felt the familiar stirrings to strike out on my own, with life softly whispering to me – this time in affirmation to my dreams. It was around this same time-frame that my son surprised me with his presence. This was all the catalyst I needed.

With my son’s inherent belief in my success reassuring me; I could not have been more ready. Thus, International Coatings was born. With a little bit a paint…and a lot of love.
I believe in respecting each home as if it is my own. I believe in getting to know my clients in order to paint their home so that their very own essence is felt the moment you walk into it. I believe in professionalism. I believe in quality.

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